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Provider® 680 Technical Recertification

In order to qualify for re-certification of the Provider 680 nurse call system technical training, the technician must have either taken and passed Provider 680 technical certification training at Jeron’s corporate offices or passed the recertification exam, within the last three years. This on-line certification course certifies the technician for another two years and eliminates the need to return to Jeron’s offices for training

  • If the technician qualifies to take the exam, you will receive a confirmation email with instruction on how to pay for and take the exam.
  • The cost for each exam is $99 which is either invoiced to the company (using your company’s PO) or paid via credit card. Payment must be received before the technician can take the exam.
  • Once payment is received, you will receive an email notification with a link to the site to take the test and an access code unique to the test taker.
  • The test consists of 50 randomized multiple choice questions with one hour total to take the exam. The technician must achieve an 80% correct score on the exam to pass.
  • If the technician passes, they will receive a notification via email. If they do not pass, they are allowed up to two more attempts (three attempts in total). Each retake test costs an additional $99.
  • If the technician does not pass within three attempts, they must return for factory training to become certified. However, the costs on the on-line exam(s) will be applied towards their tuition.

Please fill out the form below to register for the on-line certification. If you have any questions, please contact Jeron at insidesales@jeron.com or 773-275-1900.

Once you have submitted the form, we will contact you for the recertification.

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